Home is an engaging Drama and Fantasy film directed by Paloma Lopez, captures audiences with its powerful narrative. Paloma Lopez and Paloma Lopez wrote the screenplay, and production was headed by in collaboration with . This movie will hit the theaters on 08 Nov 2024 and have a total runtime of 21 minutes.
Table Of Content
Home Movie Overview
Home Movie Casts
Home Movie Storyline
Moving comes with major challenges. While the father has gone half mad trying to rearrange furniture from the Caracas villa into a Paris flat, Josefina is dealing with other troubles. A tragic sex call confirms her breakup with her girlfriend, and parental love has shrunk to ensuring the proper French pronunciation. The only thing that can cap off the deadpan humor and bittersweet bizarre scenes is the croaking of hundreds of frogs.
Home Movie Reviews
Home is a captivating film that explores the genres of Drama and Fantasy. Directed by Paloma Lopez and produced by , this film is brought to life by .
Set in France, primarily in French and Spanish explores into the nuances of relationships, resilience, and life’s unexpected twists. It takes audiences on an emotional journey filled with Emotions and Suspense, inviting viewers to contemplate the depth of love and human connection.
In summary, Home is a must-watch for fans of Drama and Fantasy. With a powerful storyline, remarkable performances, and high-quality production, this film is a standout addition to the world of cinema, embodying the essence of perseverance and hope
Home Movie FAQs
Who directed the movie Home ?
What is the release date of movie Home ?
Home is set to release on 08 Nov 2024.
What is the duration of movie Home ?
Home movie has a total runtime of 21 minutes.
Who is the writer of movie Home ?
Home is written by Paloma Lopez and Paloma Lopez.