MovieMad » Drama » September 5 (2024)
September 5 is an engaging Drama and Thriller film directed by Tim Fehlbaum, captures audiences with its powerful narrative. Tim Fehlbaum, Moritz Binder and Alex David wrote the screenplay, and production was headed by John Wildermuth, Thomas Wöbke and Philipp Trauer in collaboration with BerghausWöbke Filmproduktion, Projected Picture Works, Constantin Film and Edgar Reitz Filmproduktion. This movie will hit the theaters on 29 Nov 2024 and have a total runtime of 1 hour and 31 minutes.
Table Of Content
September 5 Movie Overview
September 5 Movie Casts
September 5 Movie Screenshots
September 5 Movie Storyline
During the 1972 Munich Olympics, an American broadcasting team is thrust from covering sports to reporting a dramatic hostage situation involving Israeli athletes. A young producer, unexpectedly leading the live broadcast, faces difficult decisions as time runs out, rumors spread, and the hostages’ lives hang in the balance.
September 5 Movie Trailers
September 5 Movie Reviews
September 5 is a captivating film that explores the genres of Drama and Thriller. Directed by Tim Fehlbaum and produced by John Wildermuth, Thomas Wöbke and Philipp Trauer, this film is brought to life by BerghausWöbke Filmproduktion, Projected Picture Works, Constantin Film and Edgar Reitz Filmproduktion.
Set in United States of America, primarily in German and English explores into the nuances of relationships, resilience, and life’s unexpected twists. It takes audiences on an emotional journey filled with Emotions and Suspense, inviting viewers to contemplate the depth of love and human connection.
In summary, September 5 is a must-watch for fans of Drama and Thriller. With a powerful storyline, remarkable performances, and high-quality production, this film is a standout addition to the world of cinema, embodying the essence of perseverance and hope
September 5 Movie FAQs
Who directed the movie September 5 ?
What genre does the movie September 5 belongs to ?
What is the release date of movie September 5 ?
September 5 is set to release on 29 Nov 2024.
What is the duration of movie September 5 ?
September 5 movie has a total runtime of 1 hour and 31 minutes.
Who is the writer of movie September 5 ?
September 5 is written by Tim Fehlbaum, Moritz Binder and Alex David.