MovieMad » Drama » Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie (2023)
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie is an intense Drama and Thriller film directed by Aya Matsuki, captures audiences with its powerful narrative. Tsutomu Kuroiwa wrote the screenplay, and production was headed by Ami Yagi and Tamako Tsujimoto in collaboration with TOHO. This movie is released in theaters on 28 Apr 2023 and have a total runtime of 2 hours and 8 minutes.
Table Of Content
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie Movie Overview
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie Movie Casts
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie Movie Screenshots
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie Movie Storyline
The individuals that comprise the Tokyo MER team rush to on-site disasters and accidents, performing life-saving treatment thanks to the OR equipped within their vehicle. Their one mission is simple: leave no one dead. But conflicts arise when an unprecedented event rocks Yokohama after a bomb explodes in Landmark Tower, leaving thousands fighting to escape. Although the chief doctor Kitami believes they should not wait and presses for a quick dispatch, the more level-headed Chief Kamoi of the elite Yokohama MER thinks otherwise — they need to wait until the area is safe to enter, or they won’t be able to save anyone.
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie Movie Trailers
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie Movie Reviews
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie is a captivating film that explores the genres of Drama and Thriller. Directed by Aya Matsuki and produced by Ami Yagi and Tamako Tsujimoto, this film is brought to life by TOHO.
Set in Japan, primarily in Japanese explores into the nuances of relationships, resilience, and life’s unexpected twists. It takes audiences on an emotional journey filled with Emotions and Suspense, inviting viewers to contemplate the depth of love and human connection.
In summary, Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie is a must-watch for fans of Drama and Thriller. With a powerful storyline, remarkable performances, and high-quality production, this film is a standout addition to the world of cinema, embodying the essence of perseverance and hope
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie Movie FAQs
Who directed the movie Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie ?
What genre does the movie Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie belongs to ?
When was the movie Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie released ?
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie was released on 28 Apr 2023.
What is the duration of movie Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie ?
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie movie has a total runtime of 2 hours and 8 minutes.
Who is the writer of movie Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie ?
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room: The Movie is written by Tsutomu Kuroiwa.